Thursday, 19 April 2007

Hacemos memoria

No - wrong language! Let me try to think back to what I used to love about Russia and things Russian. Please excuse the spelling - it's hard to transliterate (which is a great excuse!)
  • Russian literature - where do I start? Dr. Zhivago, of course!! I actually bought this in Russian and it is still one of my (very long-term) goals in life to read it. Then there's Dostoyevski - I especially love Crime and Punishment. I also enjoyed reading Solzhenitsyn's "A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich".
  • Russian music, such as 19th century nationalism (which helped me get a "B" for my music A-level,) and 20th century. Favourites include Mussorgsky (Pictures at an Exhibition and Night on the Bare Mountain), Tchaikovsky (of course!), Prokofiev and Stravinsky.
  • Russian history, both tsarist and communist. (I guess I should be careful what I say here!)
  • Architecture, especially the churches.
  • The language - though it's a challenge to try to think like a Russian. (That said, I'm sure it's easier than Japanese!)

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