Monday, 29 October 2007

Swan Lake

Swan Lake
Originally uploaded by KarenSaraGaches.
Why Russia? Well, the music, the ballet, the books, the arts in general!

What could be better than going to see Tchaikovski's Swan Lake in Russia at an opera house named after Tchaikovski? (Rhetorical question - I'm sure many people can think of great things to do but it was wonderful!!)

I was given the tickets for my birthday and, after a month, the wait was over. Rafa and I both enjoy classical music and studied at school. (He played the clarinet and piano; I played flute and piano. I actually did music A-level many years ago.) Even though we are not big ballet fans we both thoroughly enjoyed Swan Lake last night. The dancing was amazing and it was great to recognise the music too. I actually had ballet classes for a couple of years as a child and have seen the Nutcracker a couple of times. I've also seen a couple of other ballets. However, I'd never seen Swan Lake. This is, hopefully, the first of several visits to the ballet. It's cheap, close to our house and fabulous! What more could you ask for?

You're not actually supposed to take photos and I actually hadn't intended to any way as I'm a different person with a camera in my hand - I'm looking for photos rather than enjoying the music or dance. However, at the end when the dancers were bowing and taking their well-earned applause, lots of people were taking photos to I took this one. It's not a great photo but you get the idea. We had great seats - in row 8. It's actually quite a small theatre. The acoustics were great, as was the view, and the atmosphere wonderful. There were many families there and children as small as about 4 or 5. Everyone seemed to really enjoy it. I know we did.

BTW the ballet in Perm is famous here in Russia, second only to the Kirov from St. Petersburg. It turns out that during World War II the Kirov relocated to Perm away from the fighting.

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